Season-Long Standings Team_Names Points A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T Comets 280 | 2* | 1* | 1* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | D-Style Racing - Hot 220 | 1* | 3* | 3* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Like Fire Team Ibuprofen 195 | 4* | 1* | 5* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Race Stock Sports 156 | 3* | 3* | 7* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Piches Piste Meisters 135 | 6* | 5* | 4* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Team Recycled Sports 85 | 5* | 6* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Team Edgewise 80 | | | 2* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Team Bromley-Stratton 40 | | | 6* | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * = Top-9 Result A = KILLINGTON SL; B = RAGGED MTN SL; C = RAGGED MTN GS; D = MIDDLEBURY SL; E = MIDDLEBURY GS; F = SUICIDE SIX SL; G = BROMLEY SL; H = STRATTON GS; I = CRANMORE GS; J = CRANMORE SL; K = WILDCAT SL; L = SUNAPEE GS; M..GUNSTOCK SL; N = PICO GS; O = KILLINGTON GS; P = CANNON SL; Q = LOON GS; R = MT SNOW SG; S = MT SNOW GS; T = MT SNOW SL Middlebury - SL January 15, 2006 Race Penalty: 28 1 Comets Total Points: 33 = 2(A) + 3(B) + 13(C) + 15(D) Time Points Points Used Group:A REIMER,BRYAN 74.14 2 2 BEMIS,MATHEW DNF/DNS 28 Group:B GEORGE,MARK 74.35 3 3 MERRILL,GEORGE 80.37 10 Group:C REIMER,TRACY 83.64 13 13 WESTON,STACEY DNF/DNS 28 Group:D FOLEY,STEPHEN 84.26 15 15 REINHOLT,HALDOR DNF/DNS 28 2 Team Edgewise Total Points: 51 = 1(A) + 8(B) + 16(C) + 26(D) Time Points Points Used Group:A WOLFF,DAVID 74.05 1 1 CARPENTER,DOUGLAS 78.86 7 Group:B MAYNARD,DALE 80 8 8 TRUCKENBROD,HANS 80.54 11 Group:C WOLFF,KIM 87.03 16 16 NORDHOY,ANNE 93.34 19 Group:D CONANT,DWIGHT 106.78 26 26 3 D-Style Racing - Hot Like Fire Total Points: 58 = 28(A) + 6(B) + 4(C) + 20(D) Time Points Points Used Group:A PIERCE,JOHN DNF/DNS 28 28 DYKSTERHOUSE,BRANDON DNF/DNS 28 Group:B MCCOLLOM,WILLIAM 78.65 6 6 DIEFFENBACH,FRED 84.16 14 Group:C MCALEER,JESSIE 74.9 4 4 WOLOSHIN,MICHELLE 91.45 18 Group:D HAAS,KLAUS 93.89 20 20 WIGGLESWORTH,BOB DNF/DNS 28 4 Piches Piste Meisters Total Points: 77 = 5(A) + 28(B) + 21(C) + 23(D) Time Points Points Used Group:A GADBOIS,ALEX 75.39 5 5 FLORIAN,SEAN DNF/DNS 28 Group:B MURPHY,BRIAN DNF/DNS 28 28 STRANG,DAVID DNF/DNS 28 Group:C NUTTER,MEG 94.95 21 21 BRUMBAUGH,BARB 101.9 25 Group:D MCGRATH,ROBERT 97.1 23 23 LUSSIER,JOHN 97.63 24 5 Team Ibuprofen Total Points: 82 = 28(A) + 28(B) + 17(C) + 9(D) Time Points Points Used Group:A SARDELLI,ROBERT DNF/DNS 28 28 GUERARD,JEROME DNF/DNS 28 Group:B TUCKER,DOUG DNF/DNS 28 28 BRENNAN,BILL DNF/DNS 28 Group:C VAUGHN,MARGARET 91.01 17 17 PRICE,NADINE 95.6 22 DENSMORE,LISA DNF/DNS 28 Group:D MCKEE,ROBERT 80.03 9 9 6 Team Bromley-Stratton Total Points: 96 = 28(A) + 28(B) + 12(C) + 28(D) Time Points Points Used Group:A SCOTT,TODD DNF/DNS 28 28 THOMAS,AARON DNF/DNS 28 Group:B ZIMMERMAN,BILL DNF/DNS 28 28 MUNTENEUA,DORIN DNF/DNS 28 WHITEFORD,MITCH DNF/DNS 28 Group:C BRENNAN,KERRY 81.71 12 12 ZIMMERMAN,LISA DNF/DNS 28 Group:D WISSE,DOUGLAS DNF/DNS 28 28 7 Race Stock Sports Total Points: 111 = 28(A) + 28(B) + 28(C) + 27(D) Time Points Points Used Group:A CESATI,RICK DNF/DNS 28 28 DIGANGI,ANTHONY DNF/DNS 28 Group:B LAVERTY,STEPHEN DNF/DNS 28 28 NASH,JIM DNF/DNS 28 KIMBALL,TIP DNF/DNS 28 Group:C BECKEDORFF,CAROLYN DNF/DNS 28 28 NASH,KAREN DNF/DNS 28 Group:D VOELKER,LARRY 107.35 27 27 Key: 1. - A racers finish place is determined by combining all active team competitors from all age and gender groups in a single first to last list; 2. - A team's race score (i.e., Team Points) is the sum of that team's fastest group A, B, C, and D racers; 3. - Teams that do not have a finisher (i.e., DNF) from one or more of the four racer groups, or that do not enter a racer (i.e., DNS) in one or more of the four race groups will receive the equivalent point value of the number of finishing team racers plus 1 (i.e., penalty) for the missing group score(s); 4. - Only racers associated with teams will be factored into age group placing; 5. - The team with the fewest race points will win the team competition for that race.