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2023 Race Schedule Released

NEMS Race Schedule - 2023

Today NEMS released the preliminary Race Schedule for the 2022-23 season. The schedule is packed with events and racers should expect more to be added over the coming weeks. Many of the details are still being worked on, so stay tuned for updates over the coming weeks and months. 

Registration is not expected to open on ASR until Oct. 1st. Racers should login and confirm their ASR profile details, including their credit card info on file. The early bird deadline for the USSS Masters License is on Oct. 15th. There is a column on the schedule titled "USSS License Required". If an event has a "YES" in that column, a USSS Masters License is required. 

Most of the major passes also have price increase deadlines approaching over the next week. We do try to offer some discount for any race that is on a major pass (EPIC/IKON/INDY). Those discounts were between $10-$15 per event in 2022 but have not yet been finalized for the 2023 season. 

This is a great schedule and hopefully should get everyone excited about the upcoming season. We'll have a lot more updates so stay tuned and get ready for another fantastic season of Masters ski racing across New England! 


Matt Mitsis