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Mt. Snow Camp Registration - OPEN!

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I know many of you have been waiting for this camp to open. It's been a process and I very much appreciate your patients as we worked through everything. With that, I am excited to announce that registration for the NEMS camp at Mt. Snow from Jan. 9th-12th is now open

To register you can login your ASR account. You will be able to select which days you wish to attend, and if you are planning on attending the full four day camp, please use the option for the full camp and not the individual days. Registration is limited to 32 racers per day, so space is limited. 

What to Expect:
  • WaiversMount Snow and Lisa Ballard both have required waivers. 
    • Mount Snow - Their waiver is already loaded into ASR and will pre-populate for you to e-sign. You will need to submit that before completing your registration. 
    • Lisa Ballard -  This waiver might not be loaded when you register. If it isn't ready, we will email it to you and you can fill it out and email it back to Lisa. 
  • Payment - You will not be charged immediately. Your credit card will be charged later in the day. You can be registered without having a completed payment.
  • Race Profile - You will receive an email with a Racer Profile. This form is used by Lisa to help determine which group participants should be in. It is a very important document, so please try to return it to her as quickly as possible. 
Please also take a moment to read through the Camp Info Sheet, and be aware of the Cancellation Policy, which is listed at the bottom. This is not the same as a NEMS race, and the Cancellation Policy is consistent for all of Lisa's camps. 

Mount Snow is really excited to have our group for the week, and Lisa has a lot of great stuff planned with some fantastic coaches, so I hope as many of you can make it as possible. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions at: [email protected]

Reminder, we have 2 GS races at Mount Snow on Friday, Jan. 13th. If you are planning on going to the camp we hope you can make the races as well. We will be running timed runs during the camp on the trail we are racing on! We also have 2 SL races at Whaleback on Sat. Jan. 14th. Needless to say it will be a packed week of events. 

Matt Mitsis