John started skiing in his mid 30’s. It was a co-worker, Bob Blake, Kip’s Blake’s dad, who got him hooked. He set up a guy’s night out at Mt Tom and I haven’t looked back since. From there it quickly morphed into a seasonal rental at Killington for a number of years. Later on he got involved in a Beer League in the greater Hartford, CT area. On a weekend trip to Killington I ran into the ASRA (now Mid-Atlantic Masters) group and expanded my racing to their events when they ventured north.
Beer league friends kept mentioning that I should try Master’s. He tried a couple races in the late 90’s and became a regular Master’s racer from that point on.
Professional Background:
John worked for United Technologies for 38 years primarily in the IT field. John is now retired and spends his time with his wife, Chris, and their two Labrador Retrievers.