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Killington Giant Slalom Races - Jan. 7th (POSTPONED)

Killington Logo

We received word from Killington today that the Jan. 7th Giant Slalom races will need to be POSTPONED. The weather over the last couple of weeks has resulted in snow conditions on the race trail that would prohibit us from holding the event. 

We are going to try and reschedule the event. That process will likely take a couple of weeks, so please stay tuned for more updates. 

Next Steps:

  • While we look for an alternate date, the race's registration has been closed. This will prevent new people from being able to register. It will also prevent anyone who is currently registered from unregistering. 
  • No one has been charged for the races at this time, nor will they be if the event is ultimately canceled. 
  • If we are unable to find an alternate date, we will cancel the event in ASR and that will be that. No action will be required by anyone currently registered.
  • If we can find an alternate date, we will reopen the event's registration and notify everyone who is currently registered about the change. At that point, racers can decide to either remain registered or withdraw from the event via the normal process. 

I wish I had better news to report. Thankfully the weather appears to be cooling down starting next week, so fingers crossed that we can get things back on track in that department. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at: [email protected].

I hope everyone has a great New Year! See you in a much snowier 2024!

Matt Mitsis


NEMS Racing