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The 2 x Slalom races at Whaleback scheduled for Sat., March 4th have been moved to Sat., March 11th. This change is being done due to accommodate a personnel conflict required to run the event. All registered racers have been notified…

Hello, Racers! 

It was a great week in New England on the weather front with most of the region picking up some fresh snow on Thursday. With temperatures expected to remain low, and more snow in the forecast…

The New England Masters Ski Racing February Newsletter is out! It has been a wild first half of racing loaded with exciting competition, parties, and weather. There's more to come so get ready! 

February 4, 2023

Following a cold and windy day of GS races at Berkshire East, the New England Masters took…

February 3, 2023

There are many adjectives used to describe Masters racers, not just here in New England, but across the country. The one that stood out above all else this…

This weekend we will take a trip out to western Mass and central Connecticut to visit Berkshire East…

We had a great weekend at Stratton for Eastern Regional Championships and the event certainly lived up the hype. As expected we had racers from across the East Coast, Canada, and even Europe join us. The Stratton Race Dept did an…

Hi Racers! 

Next week Masters racers from across the East Coast will descend upon Stratton Mountain Resort for the 2023 Masters Eastern Regional Championships. The Stratton races are always packed with excitement and this…

Hi Racers! 

Some unfortunate, but likely expected, news to report. After speaking with Whaleback today we made the decision to cancel our slalom races scheduled for this Saturday, Jan. 14th. There will be no make up date…